Monilial vulvovaginitis is an infection caused by yeast, or monilia, and usually affects the vagina and vulva. Yeast infections are more common in pregnant women than in nonpregnant women. This STD has no major negative effects on pregnancy, but it can cause discomfort for you during pregnancy.
Yeast infections may be harder to control when you are pregnant. They may require frequent retreatment or longer treatment (10 to 14 days instead of 3 to 7 days). Creams or suppositories used for treatment are safe during pregnancy, although most physicians recommend avoiding treatment during the first trimester. Your partner does not have to be treated unless he has symptoms.
The antifungal drug DiflucanĀ® (fluconazole) is a pill you take just once to clear up a yeast infection. Unfortunately, we do not recommend it during pregnancy or breastfeeding because it has not yet proved safe for use in either situation.