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Problems in Pregnancy

I assure my patients who are pregnant that it's completely normal to be somewhat concerned about problems during pregnancy. I'd wonder if they didn't have any concerns, so don't feel self-conscious if you're a little afraid of this unknown experience. You're definitely not alone!
By being aware of what problems might occur, and knowing what signs or symptoms to look for, you can help your healthcare team, and we can more easily treat you. I try to impress upon my patients that they are part of their medical care, and you should think the same way. You know your body better than any doctor ever will, so you know when things are "right."
By expressing a concern at one of your prenatal appointments or calling the office if you have a question about something, you and your healthcare professionals will be working together to make this a great pregnancy. And hopefully you'll be able to deal with any situation that arises before it becomes serious.
Express your concerns at your prenatal appointments or call the office if you have a question. By working together, you and your healthcare professionals can make this a great pregnancy experience!
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