It costs a lot to have a baby. Costs vary from one part of the country to another, depending on how long you stay in the hospital and whether you or your baby have complications. Prices in 1999 range from $4,500 to $15,000 for a delivery. Total cost depends on how long you and your baby are in the hospital, if you have an epidural and if you deliver vaginally or by Cesarean section.
To find out exactly how much it will cost in your area, check with the hospital and your insurance company, if you have insurance. Someone in your doctor's office can usually help you with this. Don't be embarrassed or afraid to ask about it. Most offices have a person who works with insurance companies all the time and knows about things you haven't thought about. They realize how important this is.
The Canadian healthcare system is very different from the healthcare system in the United States. Canadians pay a healthcare premium on a monthly basis, and cost varies depending on the province you live in. The doctor who delivers your baby is paid by the government.
What Insurance Covers
Coverage can vary quite a lot from company to company, so there is no simple answer to this question. You can find out what your insurance company covers by asking the following questions.
 | What type of coverage do I have? |
 | Are there maternity benefits? What are they? |
 | Do maternity benefits cover Cesarean deliveries? |
 | What kind of coverage is there for a high-risk pregnancy? |
 | Do I have to pay a deductible? If so, what is it? |
 | How do I submit claims? |
 | Is there a cap (limit) on total coverage? |
 | What percentage of my costs are covered? |
 | Does my coverage restrict the kind of hospital accommodations I may choose, such as a birthing center or a birthing room? |
 | What procedures must I follow before entering the hospital? |
 | Does my policy cover a nurse-midwife? |
 | Does coverage include medications? |
 | What tests during pregnancy are covered under the policy? |
 | What tests during labor and delivery are covered under the policy? |
 | What types of anesthesia are covered during labor and delivery? |
 | How long can I stay in the hospital? |
 | Does payment go directly to my healthcare provider or to me? |
 | What conditions or services are not covered? |
 | What kind of coverage is there for the baby after it is born? |
 | How long can the baby stay in the hospital? |
 | Is there an additional cost to add the baby to the policy? |
 | How do I add the baby to the policy? |
 | Can we collect a percentage of a fee from my husband's policy and the rest from mine? |