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Pregnancy Morning Sickness

An early symptom of pregnancy for many women is nausea. With orwithout vomiting, it is often called morning sickness. IK more serious condition, hyperemesis gravidarum, results when a woman experiences a great deal of vomiting and the inability to eat foods or to drink fluids. A woman with this problem may need to be treated in the hospital with I. V. s (intravenous feeding) and medicines for nausea.
Nausea is typically the worst at the beginning of pregnancy; most often it is bad in the morning and improves during the day. Nausea and vomiting with pregnancy can occur at any time of the day or night, however; sometimes it lasts all day. Morning sickness usually begins around week 6 and lasts until week 12 or 13, when it lessens and disappears. A number of remedies can help ease the symptoms;
You can ask your healthcare provider any question. He or she has probably already heard it, so don't be embarrassed.
Take good care of your teeth if you have morning sickness. When nausea is accompanied by vomiting, stomach acid that enters the mouth weakens tooth enamel. Brush your teeth after vomiting to remove any vomit residue.
What can I do about nausea?
(Click to get answer)

Severe Symptoms

If you get dehydrated or lose a substantial amount of weight with morning sickness, you may have to be hospitalized and fed intravenously. Caregivers can help you keep up your fluid intake and be sure you get the nourishment you need through I. V. feedings. Usually after only a couple of days or less in the hospital you can resume eating solids.
Health and Medical Concerns Articles:
Choosing Your Healthcare Provider | Diabetes During Pregnancy | What is Prenatal Care? | Pregnancy Morning Sickness | How Your Health Affects Your Growing Baby | Diarrhea During Pregnancy | Lupus During Pregnancy | Hepatitis During Pregnancy | Environmental Poisons and Pollutants | Epilepsy During Pregnancy | Asthma During Pregnancy | Cancer During Pregnancy | Pregnancy Precautions | Special Concerns During Pregnancy | High and Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy | Anemia During Pregnancy | Other Medical Concerns | Risk of Down Syndrome During Pregnancy | (Rh-Factor) Rhesus factor in Pregnancy | Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy | Heartburn During Pregnancy | Headaches During Pregnancy | Nasal Stuffiness During Pregnancy | Cervix During Pregnancy | Leg Cramps During Pregnancy | Fever During Pregnancy | Rubella During Pregnancy | Chickenpox During Pregnancy
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