Umbilical-Cord Care
It isn't difficult to deal with the stump of the umbilical cord. It will fall off 7 to 10 days after birth. Until it does, clean your baby with sponge baths instead of tub baths. Follow your pediatrician's advice.
Eye Care
To remove sleepers (also called sleep or sand) from your baby's eyes, use a moistened cotton ball. Place the cotton ball at the inner corner of the eye, and wipe vertically down the nose.
Nose Care
Never put anything inside your baby's nose. If you need to remove dried nasal secretions, gently wipe around the nose. Dried nasal secretions are usually sneezed out.
Ear Care
Never probe your baby's ears with any object! Ear wax is there for a purpose. It's OK to clean around the outside of the ears with a soft washcloth, but don't put anything inside your baby's ears.
Diaper Choices
Take into consideration your routine, your budget and your baby when deciding whether to use disposable diapers or cloth diapers. Disposable diapers are convenient. You don't need pins or plastic pants, and you never have to wash them. Cloth diapers can be
used many times. Some styles don't need pins or plastic pants. You will need adequate washing and drying facilities, or you may choose a diaper service. Many of my patients use a combination of disposable and cloth diapers.
Weight Concerns
Some women are concerned that their baby looks "fat." A chubby baby is not really a concern at this early age. Focus on whether your baby is growing and developing appropriately, not how fat he is. Do not put your baby on a diet to keep him slim!
Your doctor will be mainly concerned about where your child fits on the growth charts in relation to other children. Usually a child's weight and height are given by using a percentile for each. For example, if you are told your daughter is in the 80th percentile for height, it means 80 out of 100 children are shorter than she is, and 20 children are taller. If your son is in the 60th percentile for weight, it means 60 out of 100 children weigh less than he does, and 40 children weigh more.
Preventing obesity in later life. You can start now to help give your baby the best nutritional start possible.
 | Breastfeed your baby. |
 | Do not introduce solid foods until the age of 4 to 6 months. |
 | Feed your baby in response to hunger, not to meet other needs or just because it's "time to eat." |
 | Encourage physical activity and sound eating habits for everyone in your family. |