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Drinking During Pregnancy

Drink 6 to 8 glasses (64 ounces; 1.9 liters) of liquid every day. Water is the best choice. I advise all my patients to drink plenty of water every day. Some patients tell me they don't like drinking so much water, but it really is important during pregnancy. Water is necessary for your body to process nutrients, develop new cells and sustain blood volume. You will probably feel better if you drink more fluid than you normally do. Your blood volume increases during pregnancy; drinking extra fluids helps you keep up with this change. Drinking water throughout the day can help you in other ways too. Many women who suffer from headaches, uterine cramping and various other problems during pregnancy find increasing their fluid intake helps resolve some of their symptoms. It also helps avoid bladder infections. Drink 6 to 8 glasses (64 ounces; 1.9 liters) of liquid every day. Water is the best choice. When your urine is light-yellow to clear, you're getting enough water. Dark-yellow urine is a sign you need to add more fluid to your diet.
It's not too hard to drink this much extra fluid. Some women drink water, one glass at a time, throughout the day. (Decrease your intake later in the day so you don't have to go to the bathroom all night long.)
Nutrition and Exercise Articles:
Cravings During Pregnancy | Artificial Sweeteners | A Healthy Eating Plan During Pregnancy | Drinking During Pregnancy | Eating Out | Drinking Coffee During Pregnancy | Vitamins and Minerals in Pregnancy | Exercise During Pregnancy | Pregnancy Weight Management | Some Weight Gain Each Week
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