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Some Weight Gain Each Week

As an average for a normal-weight woman, many healthcare providers suggest pregnant women gain 2/3 of a pound (10 ounces; 300g) a week until 20 weeks, then 1 pound (0.45kg) a week from 20 to 40 weeks. However, this varies for each woman. Your doctor can guide you.
One exception: It is common not to gain weight or even to lose a little weight early in pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will keep track of the change in your weight during your pregnancy.
It's all right to gain weight— it's for the health of your baby.

Weigh-in at Each Office Visit

Many of my patients hate to be weighed when they come to my office. Some ask if they can't just weigh themselves at home, then report their weight to me when they get to the office. I have to tell them "no." It's best to be weighed at the office. It's one way your doctor can tell that everything is progressing normally with your pregnancy. Although you may be shy about being weighed, it's an important part of your visit to the doctor. Your healthcare team weighs you to make sure everything is OK with your pregnancy.
It's best to be weighed at the office. It's one way your doctor can tell that everything is progressing normally with your pregnancy.
Nutrition and Exercise Articles:
Cravings During Pregnancy | Artificial Sweeteners | A Healthy Eating Plan During Pregnancy | Drinking During Pregnancy | Eating Out | Drinking Coffee During Pregnancy | Vitamins and Minerals in Pregnancy | Exercise During Pregnancy | Pregnancy Weight Management | Some Weight Gain Each Week
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