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Cancer During Pregnancy

Cancer during pregnancy is rare. However, it does occur occasionally during pregnancy.
It's not a pleasant subject to think about or to discuss, and most women do not need to be concerned about cancer during pregnancy. However, it's better to be aware that these problems do occur than to know nothing about them.
The most common cancer found in pregnancy is breast cancer. Gynecologic cancers, leukemia, lymphoma, melanoma and bone tumors are also found. Researchers believe there are a couple of reasons cancers could appear during pregnancy.
Some cancers arise from tissues or organs that are influenced by the increase in hormone levels caused by pregnancy.
Increased blood flow and changes in the lymphatic system may contribute to the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
Cancer treatment during pregnancy can cause problems because a pregnant woman may experience side effects from the treatment. In particular, if you have been having chemotherapy and just found out you are pregnant, it's very important to talk to your doctor immediately! What you do depends on the medications you are taking.

Breast Cancer

Health and Medical Concerns Articles:
Choosing Your Healthcare Provider | What is Prenatal Care? | Pregnancy Morning Sickness | How Your Health Affects Your Growing Baby | Environmental Poisons and Pollutants | Pregnancy Precautions | Special Concerns During Pregnancy | Anemia During Pregnancy | Other Medical Concerns | Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy | Heartburn During Pregnancy | Headaches During Pregnancy | Nasal Stuffiness During Pregnancy | Diabetes During Pregnancy | Epilepsy During Pregnancy | Asthma During Pregnancy | Cancer During Pregnancy | Risk of Down Syndrome During Pregnancy | Hepatitis During Pregnancy | Lupus During Pregnancy | Diarrhea During Pregnancy | (Rh-Factor) Rhesus factor in Pregnancy | High and Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy | Cervix During Pregnancy | Leg Cramps During Pregnancy | Fever During Pregnancy | Rubella During Pregnancy | Chickenpox During Pregnancy
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