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Pregnancy Precautions

Pregnancy is a time to reevaluate some activities that you might not worry about when you are not pregnant. I frequently hear questions from my patients about the following issues.

Hot Tub

Your baby relies on you to maintain correct body temperature. Research has shown that an elevated temperature for an extended time may harm a developing fetus. It's best to avoid hot tubs, saunas, steamrooms and spas during pregnancy.

Tanning Booth

Researchers have not studied the effects on a growing fetus when a pregnant woman lies in a tanning booth. Until we know there is no reason for concern, avoid tanning while you're pregnant.

Risky Sports

During pregnancy, avoid these risky sports:
scuba diving
horseback riding
downhill or cross-country skiing
any contact sport
The best exercises during pregnancy are walking and swimming.
See chapter 5 for a full discussion on exercise and exercise precautions during pregnancy.

Douching during Pregnancy

Most doctors agree douching can be dangerous during pregnancy. Don't do it.
Using a douche may cause an infection or bleeding or even break your bag of waters (rupture your membranes). It can cause more serious problems, such as an air embolus. An air embolus results when air gets into your circulation from the pressure of the douche. lt is rare but can be a serious problem.

Electrolysis, Leg Waxing

No one knows for sure whether electrolysis is safe during pregnancy. Because no information is available, I suggest you wait until after your baby is born to have facial hair removed.
I don't believe leg waxing poses any risk to you. Just be sure not to get overheated while having it done. You shouldn't raise your body temperature above 102F (39C) for more than 15 minutes.

Tattoo Removal

Many tattoos are removed using lasers, and we are unsure how safe it might be for you to have this done during pregnancy. Get the tattoo removed before becoming pregnant or wait until after your baby is born to have it removed.

Spa Treatment

Definitely wait until after your baby is born to have spa treatments such as an herbal wrap. Being wrapped in hot towels causes your body to become very hot, which is not advisable during pregnancy.

Electric Blankets

There has been controversy about using electric blankets during pregnancy. At this time, no one knows if it is safe for your unborn baby. Until we know more, the safest thing to do is not to use an electric blanket. Find other ways to stay warm, such as with down comforters or extra blankets.


If you suffer from allergies while you're pregnant, drink plenty of water, especially during hot weather. If you're sensitive to certain foods, be careful about what you eat. Avoid whatever else you might be sensitive to, such as animal dander or cigarette smoke. You may or may not be able to take your regular allergy medications while you are pregnant. Ask your doctor or pharmacist before you take a medication, whether it's a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication. Don't assume it's OK to take. It's safer and easier to ask ahead of time rather than to take a chance with a medication and have problems later.
Health and Medical Concerns Articles:
Choosing Your Healthcare Provider | What is Prenatal Care? | Pregnancy Morning Sickness | How Your Health Affects Your Growing Baby | Environmental Poisons and Pollutants | Pregnancy Precautions | Special Concerns During Pregnancy | Anemia During Pregnancy | Other Medical Concerns | Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy | Heartburn During Pregnancy | Headaches During Pregnancy | Nasal Stuffiness During Pregnancy | Diabetes During Pregnancy | Epilepsy During Pregnancy | Asthma During Pregnancy | Cancer During Pregnancy | Risk of Down Syndrome During Pregnancy | Hepatitis During Pregnancy | Lupus During Pregnancy | Diarrhea During Pregnancy | (Rh-Factor) Rhesus factor in Pregnancy | High and Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy | Cervix During Pregnancy | Leg Cramps During Pregnancy | Fever During Pregnancy | Rubella During Pregnancy | Chickenpox During Pregnancy
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