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Pregnancy Calendar

Our Pregnancy Calendar will help you find out how your baby grows and changes from a small group of cells to a fully developed baby ready to begin life.
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16 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

Your uterus expands giving more space to the growing fetus in placenta. The volume of amniotic fluids at this stage amounts to about 250 ml. You may have to do many different analysis and tests, during the 16-20th weeks. Particularly, tests like alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and triple screening test are carried out during this time period. These tests are safe and intended to reveal Down’s syndrome and spina bifida, a common birth defect related to developmental abnormality of the backbone. Triple test in comparison to amniocentesis, is not connected to the risk of trauma to the fetus. Triple tests are done by prescriptions only and therefore, talk to your doctor.
Mammary glands start to work, therefore on early periods of pregnancy your breasts swell and become sensitive. The blood flow increases and venous picture and Montgomery tubercles appear.
Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy you will feel vigorous and energetic. Pregnancy becomes noticeable soon, and you will need some wide maternity clothes. The fetus is already completely formed and by the 14th week starts feeding through the placenta. His growth signifies his preparation for the life outside the mother’s womb.
Birthmarks and freckles due to increasing pigmentation may darken.
Breasts probably are still the same size; you’ll see them grow in the following weeks.
Your waist gradually flattens out.
The stomach starts to round off slightly.

New Sensations

Your well-being should improve significantly.
You will be having joyful moments more often.
Change of skin pigmentation is possible; the middle line on the stomach, nipples and the skin around them will darken. This condition should pass away shortly after birth.
Appetite will increase, because the fetus is growing.
Regular clothes get tighter but it’s little earlier for maternity clothes.

What to do:

Quit smoking if you haven’t already done so. Convince your husband to do the same.
Eat healthy and watch your weight. The increased appetite is not justified by eating unhealthy food.
Start taking folic acid and iron if they’ve been prescribed by the doctor or if they don’t make you sick.
At maternity welfare center, you will probably be suggested to do an ultrasound exam and blood test on alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). At the slightest suspicion on any abnormality in the development of the fetus, they’ll carry out an amniocentesis.

Your baby

Your baby already holds his head straight. Face muscles are formed and baby starts making involuntary faces: winks, opens mouth, frowns. Enough calcium has been accumulated to form the bone stucture. If you have got a girl, then ovaries consisting of more than five millions eggs, have already moved from the abdominal cavity to the pelvis area.

Baby grows

There are eyebrows and eyelashes. His body and face is covered with gentle hair, lanugo.
Baby’s skin is so thin that a set of blood vessels shows through it.
Hand and leg joints have developed; bones get harder.
You could distinguish baby’s sex organs already but it’s not always possible to do that by ultrasound examination.
Breast cage performs respiratory movements.
He can already suck his finger.
He moves a lot, but you don’t feel that yet.
His heart beats 2 times more than yours. After the 14th week, a doctor or a nurse can listen to him with a special stethoscope.
Fetus will grow very fast this month.
Head is disproportionally larger compared to the body.
The baby has a neck now.
The fingers already have their unique skin structure.
Fingernails have completely grown and they’re very long and sharp.
Baby empties his bladder every 40-45 minutes.
Important news – you can detect the baby’s sex with ultrasound exam.

Fetus length and weight:

Length: 6.5 inches;
Weight: 3 ounces.

Gaining weight

Second trimester
During this period you’ll gain about 11-15 lbs, that is 50-60% of the total gain in weight expected by the end of pregnancy. Optimal weight gain by the 16th week: 5.51 lbs.
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