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Our Pregnancy Calendar will help you find out how your baby grows and changes from a small group of cells to a fully developed baby ready to begin life.
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29 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

The first milk or colostral milk might be released from the breasts by this time. It is a sticky, watery liquid that will become the primary nourishment for a newly born baby. The first milk precedes a mother’s real milk, which may only come a day or two days after birth. Mammary glands start to produce milk under the influence of prolactin or lactation hormone, a hormone which your body makes in huge quantities. The occurrence of milk is stimulated by your child. The uterus becomes even larger and starts to press on internal organs with even greater force including on the bladder that causes frequent urinations. You will experience the basic discomfort with your back, legs and lungs (shortness of breath).
Your stomach grows as much as the baby does, leaving less space for internal organs. You can feel as if your internal bodies are overfilled. And that’s how it is. The best ways to cope with discomforts during the last trimester of the pregnancy are:
A comfortable position
a healthy diet
Physical stretching exercises.
To have a rest as soon as you feel tiredness or exhaustion.

Your baby

Milk production is indirectly stimulated by the baby. And really, who wouldn’t be interested in having his main source of nutrition ready to go? The baby’s adrenal glands at the moment are actively making androgen-like substance or male sexual hormone. They travel through the baby’s circulation system and having reached the placenta, turn to an estrogen in the form of estriol. It is thought that, it is what that actually stimulates the manufacture prolactin or lactation hormone in your body.
Your baby is busy with preparing for the birth. The baby starts to regulate own temperature and his bone marrow is fully in charge of manufacturing red blood cells. The baby releases about 0.5 liter of urine to the amniotic fluid every day. Movements which you are feeling now will probably start to change this week. If previously the uterus was more spacious for the baby where he could kick and tumble around, now it has become confined for him. You will feel fewer movements now, but instead you will counter the baby’s protruding body parts like elbows and knees. Try to control the baby independently by using the embryonic schedule of calculations of the kicks and movements.

Baby length and weight

Length from crown to sacrum - approximately 14 inches.
Weight - approximately 41 ounces.
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