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41 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

Over bearing the baby for the extra couple of weeks does not worry the doctors that much and only at times when delivery time is delaying even longer they can offer labor induction or Caesarian operation. In the meantime they carry out the necessary medical tests to determine the condition of the fetus. They include ultrasound examination and investigating the baby’s pulse.
You are probably surprised why you haven’t delivered yet? You aren’t the only one. Although many women give birth on time, many others deliver their babies considerably later especially for the first time. It occurs because the time is set incorrectly and the date depends on the length of cycle or the day when the ovulation took place and from other factors. You might want to do some tests to be sure that everything is all right with the kid, for example no stress test and others.

Your baby

If your baby still remains in the uterus, then he is gaining weight and probably wondering about his overstay. If he’s been born already then he is obviously wondering how much his new world differs from previous uterine life. Luckily he’s been prepared to changes, lungs provide him with oxygen but the biggest changes occur in the heart. Until recently there was an opening in the central wall of the heart that sort of sealed the lungs off from circulation system. Right after birth, this hole closes and blood starts circulating through the lungs. Innate reflexes provide the child with proper contact with mother.

Baby length and weight

Right after birth there might be a weight loss, but he restores it within 5 days. His height during the first week does not grow much; he only puts on 0.47 inches in length.
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