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36 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

The bottom of the uterus is already directly under the breastbone. Breathing gets harder because the baby starts kicking literally underneath your breastbone. We hope that you attend prenatal courses. All your life now passes in an atmosphere of a birth of the child. You are probably tired already but remember that he/she is your baby and your future. You have already decided about where and how you will give birth and whether you will want to use anesthesia. Pregnancy is accompanied by special hormones that lead to simultaneous pilosis on the skin covering. Usually in a regular condition, part of the hair grows, the other part falls out. For pregnant women it’s different. But it it doesn't matter. After birth this slight pilosis or hair growth will synchronously stop.
You will probably start seeing your doctor almost every week until birth. Most of the babies will be lying in cephalic presentations with head down. However, approximately 4 % of all babies might be resting with their legs forward or pelvic presentation. Do not panic though. There are different set of things including special exercises that you can do to make the baby to turn the head downwards. If exercises do not work, your doctor might try to flip the baby externally.
By this time, you will need to quit work and start preparing for baby delivery. Probably, the desire to get done with pregnancy is as strong as the fear before the labor. The baby already occupies the whole uterus - he is not turning and tossing but he is kicking around. If the birth takes place now, everything will be ok with him.
The head probably already rests against the pelvis.
The bulky stomach may change the center of gravity, so remember of the body posture.

New sensations

The baby’s has sunk and the uterus does not press on the stomach and the diaphragm that much and therefore less heartburn, digestive upset and shortness of breath take place.
The desire to urinate becomes frequent due to pressure on the bladder.
Loss of sleep and heavy load can overwhelm you with exhaustion.
You start putting everything in order at home, sort of - "make a nest". Take it easy and do not overdo to make tire yourself much.

What to do:

Keep your legs in horizontal position to prevent edema and varicosity of veins.
Visit the pregnancy welfare center weekly.
Get some bras for breastfeeding.
Stock up with groceries for your time at the maternity home and for the first few days after returning home.
Pack the bag which you’ll take with you to the hospital. If you deliver at home prepare everything necessary.
Check you have got everything for the baby.

Your baby

The little face has become plump and smooth with thick cheeks. Infantile cheeks are conditioned by increase of sub cutis fat or baby fat plus intensive suction of the finger in the womb during several months which is a great way to practice for sucking muscles. The baby’s jaw is still soft enough during passage through the tubes it flattens a little. Your baby will start to come to the world this week or during the following week.
Ask your doctor to pat your stomach and tell you the presumable weight of the child. Even though a more precise, though at times erroneous detection can be done by ultrasound inspection.

Baby grows

From the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby starts adding from 0.4938 ounces up to 0.9877 ounces on a daily basis. Iron gets accumulated in the liver which will help the baby with blood formation during first year of his life on earth and the hair covering the skin, especially shoulders and the back will all disappear by the time. The child grows rapidly and the uterus becomes too tight which makes his moves felt more intensively.
It this is your first pregnancy, then the baby's head have probably already moved down to the pelvis area, which makes your breathing easier but the need to urinate will be frequent due to the pressure uterus puts on the bladder.
Delicate nails grew on the fingers and toes.
The boys’ testicles are formed already.
During the remaining months baby will be gaining about 0.9877 ounces a day.

Baby length and weight

Length from crown to sacrum - approximately 17 - 18 inches.
Weight - around 81ounces.

Gaining weight

by the 36th week of pregnancy
Your weight may stabilize on the 38th. If you have gained up to 28lbs, it is does not take much to restore the previous weight. The optimal weight gain by the 36th weeks: 26 lbs.
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