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Our Pregnancy Calendar will help you find out how your baby grows and changes from a small group of cells to a fully developed baby ready to begin life.
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35 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

It is hard for you to breathe and eat food, when the stomach presses to you breast cage. Eat fractionally and gradually, with small breaks. Rest more often to avoid hypostases and do not sit or stay in one position too long. If you make a trip on the car, make frequent stops to get out and exercise. It is already the time for you to take a maternity leave. Also, time has come to purchase by bras for breast feeding and to begin visiting maternity welfare courses.
You may experience sleeplessness and difficulties with night dreams. You could be waking up at nights, spinning and tossing around but it could be hard to fall asleep. But do not take any sleeping pills though. It is perhaps the nature that is preparing you for future motherhood and sleepless nights. Frequent urges to urinate does not help with getting deep and good night sleeps either. Constant back pains will be bothering you too. Try to make pelvic exercises and limit yourself with liquids prior to going to bed.

Your baby

Your child this week nails of the child have already grown to the edge пальчиков. He might be born with long fingernails and a few scratches on the face that he could have gotten while in the womb. Now he is tight and uncomfortable in there. The last strokes and finishing touches are being done to you baby.
Fat accumulation keeps going on, especially around the shoulder areas; his shoulders get rounder and softer. Lanugo gradually falls off the baby although some may remain there at birth. Eyes of all newborns are blue. But their color will change by time.
In order for your child to move h head forward through the birth canal, uterine cervix contracts then expands in size. The active phase is during the contraction and expansion of the uterus. Then, there comes the transition stage when neck of the womb opens for 4 inches.

Baby length and weight

Length from crown to sacrum – approximately 17.72 inches.
Weight - around 77 - 78 ounces.
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