Our Pregnancy Calendar will help you find out how your baby grows and changes from a small group of cells to a fully developed baby ready to begin life.
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28 Weeks Pregnant
Future mom
From now on you will have to visit your doctor or midwife at least once every two weeks. This is the week that you need to give a number of tests and analysis including the test for iron level in your blood and sample for tolerance of glucose. If you have got a negative Rhesus factor then you need a test for antibodies. This test must show the presence of antibodies in your blood against the baby’s blood, which is whether if there are any immunological reactions of your blood in relation to the baby’s blood. Such reactions can cause problems with the subsequent pregnancies, and your future children could be born with jaundice. Approach your doctor for consultation. Continue taking calcium, it is necessary for growth of the baby’s bones. Discuss your birth plan with your doctor
 | Maintain your straight posture so not to put pressure on the spinal cord. |
 | The veins on the chest show distinctly. |
 | The top edge of the uterus is in the middle of umbilical cord and breastbone. |
 | The first milk might be released from your breasts, but if you don’t have it yet, do not worry it is the sign that you will have less milk and can’t breastfeed the baby. |
 | Fat tissues accumulate on the stomach, on the hips and on the testicles. |
New sensations
 | Indispositions common during late pregnancy are possible: heartburn, stomach upset and spasms. |
 | The appearance of red spots on the stomach is possible. |
 | False contractions take place at this time. Usually they are painless. |
 | You might have very bright dreams about birth or the baby. These dreams are usually caused by inconvenient sleeping position or the baby’s movements. |
What to do
 | It is necessary to rest during the days. Go to bed as earlier as possible. If you are still working, then while sitting during your lunch break put your legs in a horizontal position. While at home you should take a rest also. |
 | Write a notice for maternity leave indicating whether you will return to your position after birth. Let your managers know at least 3 weeks before about your leave. |
 | Starting from now, if there are not any complications, start visiting a prenatal care center twice a month until the 36th week; ask the doctor about everything that worries you. The baby’s heart can be listened to with a regular phonendoscope. |
Your baby.
If the baby is born this week, he legally would be considered as a human being who is subject for registration. The brain’s cerebral cortex has developed the brain mass continues to increase. Hair on the head grows longer.
Accumulation of fat continues and now your child is big enough to prepare for coming to the world. He could be resting inside the uterus with either head forward or with legs forward. But he has sufficient space in the uterus to properly turn himself with head forward, during the remaining two months. Do not worry if he has not done so yet.
You have entered to the finish line; three months left until birth. It might seem to you that you have become clumsy and absent-minded. During these months the baby continues to collect the baby fat. He is active and you can clearly feel his movements. If the birth takes place now, your child can survive.
Baby grows
The baby now uses the whole set of senses: sight, hearing, taste and touch. At this age he starts to recognize the mother’s voice. The baby performs the first elementary respiratory movements. His skin thickens and becomes more similar to the skin of a newborn. If the birth takes place during this period, it would be considered as a premature birth and the doctors could be able to help your child survive.
 | The skin is still red and wrinkled but the fat is accumulating under it. |
 | The decisive stage for development of the brain’s cerebral cortex has come. A seven month old baby feels the pain and reacts the same way as a mature baby would do. |
 | There are more taste buds on his tongue now than when they are at birth; he can distinguish various tastes and flavors. |
 | The lungs are not completely formed. The surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveolus into falling off of into the respiratory system hasn’t been formed yet. |
 | Your husband can feel the baby’s movements and even see the outlines and contours of his body when child rolls over. |
 | Hearing is well-developed. |
 | The face and the body are covered with first born protective oiling. |
 | The eyes can open. |
 | The eyelashes are growing thicker and longer. |
 | If you got a boy, his testicles will probably drop down to the scrotum this week. |
Baby length and weight
Length from crown to sacrum – approximately 13.78 inches.
Weight - approximately 2.2 lbs.
Weight gain
in the last three months
during this time you probably will gain about 8.82 lbs, that’s 30-40% of the total weight increase. The optimal weight gain by the 28th week: 19.84 lbs.